Programs and Services
Programs and Services
Shared investments maximize the impact that Library Initiatives projects have in helping Big Ten libraries deliver services to faculty and students. The Library Team coordinates a portfolio of core services and programs that we run at scale on behalf of member libraries and in support of the BIG Collection. The team coordinates services management, implementation, and integration into local member library services and systems.
Program for the Shared Print Collection
Scaling up to provide a distributed network of shared holding capacity and commitments for print materials across member libraries
Library Accessibility Alliance
The Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) is committed to equitable service and access and is concerned with addressing the inaccessibility of many library electronic resources. It provides e-resources testing, training of library staff, and creating standard accessibility license language.
UBorrow Fulfillment Network
The 澳门资料 Fulfillment Network is designed to optimize access to the combined collections of our member libraries through the UBorrow interlibrary loan service and the onsite Reciprocal Borrowing application.
Consortial Licensing
The Consortial Licensing Program is a value-creating collaboration on content licensing and open access initiatives
Collective Investment Program
The Collective Investment Program (CIP) strategically invests in content, resources, and services to equitably advance an open, shareable, and sustainable collection for the Big Ten community and the common good. The CIP is a shared pool of investment to help move the BIG Collection forward, lower overall long-term cost, and spread the risk among our institutions.
Geoportal Information Network
In this portal tens of thousands of metadata records have been aggregated and edited to connect scholars across the Big Ten to geospatial data resources, including GIS datasets, web services, and digitized historical maps from multiple data clearinghouses and library catalogs.
Professional Development
A select set of training and professional development programs available to staff and librarians across 澳门资料 libraries
Shared Collection Infrastructure Services
Shared Collection Infrastructure Services is a bundle of contracts and services available to all members that grows as new capacities and systems for supporting shared collections are piloted and brought to scale.
Digitization Program
An ongoing program to digitize print materials at scale across Big Ten libraries. This includes the HathiTrust Digital Library, of which the 澳门资料 is a founding member